Dr Stefan Kaufman leads social research for EPA Victoria and holds an adjunct appointment with Behaviour Works at Monash University. EPA Victoria’s role is to be an effective environmental regulator and an influential authority on environmental impacts. EPA knowledge brokers help colleagues articulate and scope their knowledge needs, and them help them learn what they need to know. Supporting this, Stefan’s EPA work involves conducting research, and managing partners and providers for evaluation, environmental citizenship, compliance, restorative justice, risk communication and behaviour change. His interests focus on the links between individual, organisational and societal change for sustainability, and the potential roles of research and knowledge in making those links explicit and intentional.
His ANU PhD thesis in Human Ecology is titled: ‘The roles of reflexivity in intentional social change for sustainability’, explores the experiences of expert knowledge change agents in trying to bridge their own understanding and priorities, with that of the people they seek to influence. He admits to being more interested in the lead up to and early on in research projects, and what happens as the results come in and need to be integrated, than in conducting research itself.