Tuesday 4th Feb, 2:15 pm
Room B2
Research in science communication
Christopher Yardley
No-one has studied science on postage stamps as a communication medium. Yet stamps incorporate a literate and a visual communication message that governments have used to elucidate ideological ideals and policies, for civic education, for nation building and to advise on matters of public health. Within every stamp image is a permanent record that preserves that message information from the date of issue through many generations.
I explore paths and into how and why a country visualises and publicises its place locally and to the outside world.
‘Science’ as represented on postage stamps defines the state of science and technology at a set point in time, the date of issue, and provides a commentary on society and a set of activities, functions or needs. Events and anniversaries are the prompts for many issues.
Government’s hand is shown when the message is political, is nation-building and often in advice of public health issues.
This study analyses how, through stamp issue, the current perspective of science is shown by the context in step with the movement understood as the public understanding of science evolving into the public awareness of science.