Wednesday 5th Feb, 12:00 pm
Room B1
Brogan Micallef
If you ever find yourself in the situation where you are catering for a group, and you are wondering how much food to prepare, the best thing to do is to prepare a little extra, just in case. The last thing you want to do is run out. Believe it or not, you’ve just read two sentences that describe exactly how some herbicide resistant crop weeds counterattack the commonly used herbicide, glyphosate.
The focus of the Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative (AHRI) is profitable farming, and to help growers achieve this we convert the high level science our researchers perform into simple, easy to understand messages. As we will demonstrate, we layer levels of information and “smarten down the message” using the SUCCESs principle (Simple Unexpected Concrete Credentialed Emotional Story). Layer one appeals to growers by fitting science into their world. Layer two adds more detail to the story, appealing to agronomists. The third layer targets the scientific community, or those who are after the full scientific detail in the form of a paper. In workshops and media, we follow the principle of growers talking to growers through our “key influencer” farmers. Essentially, we provide the story, not just the science.