Monday 3rd Feb, 11:15 am
Room B3
Alex Jurkiewicz
The web is the future of science communication! …unfortunately, it is also characterised by an ever-changing zeitgeist and geek-oriented tools. So what’s a science communicator without their own IT department to do?
Join Alex Jurkiewicz as he presents pragmatic advice and real-world examples showing the “what” and “how” of managing a science-oriented web presence. We’ll go over the big decisions you’ll want to make early on, survey the major services you’ll want to cover and then dive into the technical nitty gritty of what, exactly, you need to do.
This presentation will cover recommended approaches, providers and more for managing technical resources, from domain names to websites to the multifarious social media services popular today. More general questions will also be answered, like “when will a social media account add value to the business?” “should we have individual accounts, or a single corporate one?”.
Bring a laptop (or tablet) and your own questions!