Wednesday 5th Feb, 1:45 pm
Room B2
Kylie Walker
In 2011 the number of ‘conscientious objectors’ to immunisation was on the rise. The Australian Academy of Science identified a need for unbiased, easily understood and scientifically sound information on immunisation. Over 12 months a working group of the nation’s top experts in the field put together the Science of Immunisation: Questions and Answers booklet, designed to assist Australian people to make an informed decision about immunisation. A carefully designed and executed launch and communication strategy yielded excellent results: widespread coverage across news, entertainment, features, and social media; endorsement and uptake by key leadership groups; booklet readership in the millions; consumer-driven immunisation information initiatives; and a national conversation which has led to legislative change.
In this presenting this science communication success story, I’ll outline the communication strategy, implementation and results, including the longer-term impact on both quantity and quality of media coverage of the issue, and promising signs of behavioural change in Australian society.