Wednesday 5th Feb, 10:45 am
Claire Harris
Simon Torok
Jaelle Bajada
Lyndal Byford
John Gardner
Alvin Stone
Corey Watts
Simon Torok
The challenges of communicating climate change have been talked about for years, including at past ASC national conferences. For the last decade at least, sectors of the economy have been responding to climate change, energy demands, policy responses and wider economic changes. How have organisations and individuals tracked the scientific and societal research developments to implement climate mitigation and adaptation policy and practices?
This session will draw on perspectives from a diverse group of speakers with expertise ranging from psychology to media to government policy. This session will provide attendees with upbeat views of how to move forward with communicating in controversial arenas, using the example of climate change as the catalyst for discussion. Participants will hear examples of moving from climate science to action, moving from traditional media to social and digital media, and moving from the deficit model of communication and conduit metaphor to more interactive dialogue.
With this dynamic panel and in the lead up to the release of the IPCC’s Impacts and Adaptation report at the end of March 2014, we are expecting plenty of audience discussion.
Have you got a question for one of our diverse panellists? Post it below!
#W7 Is climate change OFF the national agenda in Australia for at least three years?
Not in the slightest. If anything, climate change may be on the national agenda more than ever by the time the next election rolls around.
Storify for this session #W7 at: http://storify.com/ausscicomm/asc14-w7-hot-air-or-hot-action