Wednesday 5th Feb, 10:45 am
Room B1
Maryam Ahmad
Dr Becky Schmidt
Heinz Buettikofer
How can over 100 authors produce a suite of integrated and consistent interdisciplinary reports that clearly communicate the outcomes of scientific research, adequately visualise these outcomes and address stakeholder needs? CSIRO has been delivering reports in such environments for years and has developed innovative and adaptive workflows to achieve this end. These workflows involve the skills of editors, mapmakers and data visualisation experts. These reporting experts need to work together to ensure the consistency and quality of the final product and do so using tools (such as reporting standards), collaborative software (such as Microsoft SharePoint) and diligent file versioning protocols.
The team will present a panel discussion, including a role-playing session and an open question and answer session. The role playing session will illustrate how a common reporting issue is raised and resolved including the flow-on implications that it has on every aspect of reporting. The panel will also cover issues regarding the needs of the report’s authors, reviewers and audience and how they shape each specific report to ensure maximum clarity of communication.